Alumni Involvement in entrepreneurship assistance

June 16, 2023 0 comments Administrator Alumni Categories alumni involvements

Entrepreneurship is a journey that requires a mind-set with on-going learning, adaptation, and resilience for future success as entrepreneurs. By providing a robust alumnus orientation program, IPER tries to empower and equip our students with the necessary skills and resources to thrive in their entrepreneurial pursuits. As alumni who have experienced the transformative power of entrepreneurship, showcase their spirit of commitment to supporting the journey and fostering a culture of innovation and creativity contribution for their junior batches. The alumnus by orienting students for entrepreneurship program put efforts to allow and train the current batch of students with the entrepreneurial skills and mind-set necessary for future success.

Mr Yogesh Dang (MBA Batch 2002-04; Founder & CEO– Mr. Yogesh was invited for start-up talk on Innovation to Start up Journey, he discussed ideas like mind-set, power of belief system, skill, competencies and concluded by telling the students about importance of attitude.