Alumni & Project Guidance

June 16, 2023 0 comments Administrator Alumni Categories alumni involvementsTags , , ,

“Alumni play a crucial role in guiding and enriching students’ project experiences. Their expertise and industry knowledge can provide valuable guidance and insights throughout the project lifecycle. Our Product Launch Simulation (WWF), is one of the examples, where current MBA students seek guidance from their peers and alumnus. ”

Our alumnus contribute to guiding MBA projects in many ways, like:

  • Project Scoping and Topic Selection: Alumni can help students refine their project ideas and identify topics that align with real-world business challenges. They share insights on industry trends, emerging issues, or areas where innovative solutions are needed.
  • Expertise and Resource Sharing: Alumni can share their subject matter expertise and provide resources to support students’ project work. At times, they may recommend relevant research articles, industry reports, or data sources that students can utilize in their projects.
  • Feedback and Guidance: Throughout the project execution, alumni provide valuable feedback and guidance. They review project proposals, research plans, or early project deliverables, offering insights and suggestions for improvement. Their feedback can help students refine their project methodologies, validate their assumptions, or identify alternative approaches.

By involving alumni in guiding MBA projects, students benefit from their practical experiences, industry insights, and networks. This collaboration bridges the gap between academia and the business world, ensuring that projects are relevant, impactful, and aligned with industry needs. Furthermore, the interaction between students and alumni fosters mentorship, professional development, and long-term relationships within the MBA community.